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Welcome to Advanced Timber Treatments

Advanced Timber Treatments are a specialist business only treating old houses within New Zealand. As a 100% New Zealand owned provider, our Registered borer control technicians provide a comprehensive and professional service offering “state of the art” eradication, prevention and monitoring of all timber pests and diseases.

Advanced Timber Treatments provides timber protection treatments with a guarantee of protection. Surface saturation with Tim-bor® (sodium octoborate) solution is environmentally friendly, odourless and long lasting. Treatment of timbers to remove borer and Fungus infestation is the same for whichever species is present.

Exposed timber can be treated with insecticides that penetrate the wood and will protect it for 10 years or more. Usually, the floor timbers are attacked because of the high relative humidity in the sub-floor.

Advanced Timber Treatments can treat these exposed timbers to eradicate insect and fungus and protect the timbers. Weatherboard homes in New Zealand are not always pre-treated and are often infested where the softer, non-heartwood timber has been used.

Weatherboards are more difficult to treat as they are not usually exposed. However, weatherboards can be protected by injecting the flight holes made by emerging adults. The penetrating treatment will kill larvae within the boards and prevent adults reinfesting the boards via the exposed wood of the flight holes.

Contact us to find out more about our specialist timber treatment services. We service the greater Auckland & Hamilton regions.

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